WEBINAIRE GRATUIT | Formation BioMicrobics – Better Water. Better World. «L’eau dans l’Industrie» https://buff.ly/3fJWtBR
Quand: 22 mai 2020; 18h00 (UTC+2) heure Française – 11h00 (CT) heure États-Unis et Canada.
Langue : Anglais
INSCRIPTION ICI: https://lnkd.in/eHVcmjt
Objectif: Sensibiliser aux problèmes et au potentiel de traitement décentralisé des eaux usées pour les applications industrielles (eaux usées à forte concentration).
Il existe des installations qui produisent des eaux usées à des concentrations bien plus élevées que les eaux usées résidentielles typiques. Si les systèmes recevant ces eaux usées sont dimensionnés en utilisant des hypothèses valables pour les eaux usées résidentielle classiques, des problèmes de performances substantiels et une défaillance prématurée du système finira par arriver inévitablement.
Apprenez lors de cette table ronde d’experts ! Ce séminaire d’une heure est conçu pour fournir des informations sur la résolution de ce problème important sous plusieurs angles.
– Comprendre les problèmes existants dans la gestion des eaux usées industrielles
– Comprendre l’approche selon les différents types d’eau usées et comment elles affectent le système
– Études de cas montrant différentes technologies et leur rentabilité
– Comprendre les réglementations applicables aux systèmes décentralisés
Understanding & Dealing with High Strength Wastes
When: May 22, 2020; 11:00am – 12:00pm Central Time (US and Canada). This will include time for Q&A with our Panelists of Experts!
Language: English
:REGISTER: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuce6rrzwiGdfJbtSI-dwbUmDx15ddjhPB
Purpose: To build awareness about issues and potential of decentralized wastewater treatment for Commercial (High Strength Wastes) applications and properties.
There are facilities that discharge wastewater at concentrations far above (i.e., stronger than) typical residential wastewater. If systems receiving this wastewater are sized using assumptions valid for residential strength wastewater, substantial performance problems and premature system failure are likely soon to follow.
This one-hour seminar is tailored to provide insights into solving this important issue from multiple perspectives.
:REGISTER: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuce6rrzwiGdfJbtSI-dwbUmDx15ddjhPB
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the existing problems in commercial wastewater management.
- Understanding of the definition, concept and approach of the waste streams and contaminants of different input sources and how it effects the system.
- Case studies showing different technologies and cost effectiveness.
- Decentralized wastewater treatment versus centralized wastewater treatment and its intervention in urban areas.
- Understanding about the enabling frameworks and regulations applicable to decentralized wastewater treatment including reuse.
Target Audience:
- Urban Planners, Architects, Engineers and Consultants
- Commercial Real Estate Developers and Builders
- Property Managers and decision makers from non-government institutions
- Practitioners from consultancies, community-based, non-government organizations
- Entities that are mainstreaming water-wastewater measures
- Independent researchers and academician working in water and sanitation sector
- Representatives of Industry Associations (Shopping Centers, Civil Engineers, etc.)
If you would like to attend, please register in advance. For registration click here! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting and adding the event to your Calendar.
Since 1975, Frank Aguirre (pronounced “ah-GEAR-ee”) is an active OSW DESIGNER operating throughout south central Texas. Over the decades of Mr. Aguirre’s work and focus for best practices of On-Site Wastewater Systems, he has seen the failure rate for commercial wastewater treatment systems in this area of south central Texas being relatively high due to very little guidance in the state regulations on HIGH STRENGTH; plus, lack of knowledge with local regulators and designers who are not versed on this topic. For this reason, Mr. Aguirre taken a more controllable/measurable approach that he refers to as the “STATISTICAL ANALYSIS” approach of high strength systems. | |
Dr. Anish Jantrania is an Associate Professor/Extension Specialist in the Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department and AgriLife at the Texas A&M University. Dr. Jantrania has over 30 years of experience working in the onsite wastewater industry in the public and private sectors. His research, education, and extension interests focus on sustainable infrastructure to ensure the availability of clean water to meet society’s water demands, and to ensure safe sanitation to protect public health and environmental quality. Before moving to Texas, Anish has worked in Virginia, Massachusetts, and West Virginia, and has studied in West Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, and India. | |
Kevin M. Sherman, P.E., Ph.D., D, WRE is the Director of Engineering and Regulatory Affairs at SeptiTech, Inc. He holds a Masters in Biology, Health Program Management, and a PhD in Oceanography. Dr. Sherman is a fully trained environmental scientist/engineer with 33 years practical experience: Author or co-author of over 60 publications, one thesis, one special project and one dissertationGiven over 90 oral presentations at universities, regional, national and international scientific/engineering meetings Licensed professional engineer in AZ, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, MS, NC, NH, NM, OH, PA,TX, VA, VT, WI, & WY. Member of NSF Joint Committee for wastewater for 14 years. Worked on NSF Certification Council for eight years.Technical consultant to EPA on revision to On-site wastewater treatment manual He has a diverse background with environmental research. Dr. Sherman’s goal is to improve the training and knowledge of basic environmental health principles; research, statute and rule revision, and defense of rule challenges, legislative bill analysis, technical assistance, program evaluation, variance review and septic tank contractor registration. He is an invaluable source of knowledge and experience in the wastewater industry and has achieved the distinction of being named a diplomat of Water Resources Engineering. | |
For registration click here! After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting and adding the event to your Calendar.
Tags: Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Water Pollution, Commercial Applications, High Strength Wastewater, Sewage, Sanitation